Help One

He walked in front of me.  He was on a mission.  So was I.

Shopping in a grocery store is easy. Little list. Grab it. Go.

He was quick too, except his handful of items needed a shopping cart.

Two 5-gallon containers of peanut oil, five boxes of fish seasoning, eggs and four bags of cornmeal.

His clean overalls said he had already cleaned a ton of catfish from either trot lines or baited holes.  And now he was about to have a party, a fish fry, and he was fidgeting to get the fryer started.

There was still one thing in his basket that didn’t make any sense to me.  He handed the little deli bag to the cashier who asked if he had two, or three, fried chicken tenders.

Three, he answered.  I wondered why he was getting those when he was about to have a huge, artery clogging meal.  Even as big of a man as he was, it didn’t fit.

Baby Girl story

He quickly pushed the buggy outside after checking out just as my items began to scan.

When I walked around the corner outside, his extra purchase immediately made sense.

The big man in overalls was gently handing the little bag of chicken tenders to an old, frail, homeless man sitting outside next his trash bag of clothes.

The big man patiently, and respectfully, smiled as the homeless man’s weak voice etched out a sincere thank you.  It was clear, however, that the big man wasn’t looking for a thank you. He was just being a good guy.

Everything about them was opposite. Race, size, age, strength, attire, even their teeth.

Even so, they had one overarching characteristic in common, humanity.

I passed by, climbed in my pickup and watched as they finished their conversation.  The man hurriedly threw the items in his truck and drove away. The old man slowly opened the bag and began gumming a fried chicken tender.

Help One

I used to want, and think I could, change the masses, change the world.  Honestly, I still want to, but it’s unrealistic.

One person doesn’t have to change the world though.  They just have to change the world of one other person, which can change one of the masses for a lifetime.

Chicken tenders won’t change the man, either one, but it does change their day, and for one, his hunger.Rabbits 3

Who needs someone to help change their world, even if only for the moment?

Help.  Help the one.

Who knows?  Maybe in the end, that’s how you reach the masses, and change the world.

I don’t know.  I really don’t know.

20 thoughts on “Help One”

  1. Dear Brother Jeff, You are so good with words. It was like I visited with you and saw this tender scene together. Recently, the words of the Lord came to me with a new power: “I have told you this so that you will have peace by being united to Me. The world will make you suffer. But be brave! I have defeated the world!” (Jn 16:33; GNT). Thru His death, resurrection and ascension, The Lord Jesus has overcome, has defeated the whole world and its prince. In the same way, by His Spirit, I need to learn how to be strong, how to be brave, so that in His name, I defeat my own little world. One step at a time, one kind word, one generous act at a time… little becomes much when God is in it! God bless you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement. And yes, like you wrote “little becomes much when God is in it!” Faith the size of a mustard seed, a little stone from David’s sling against a giant, Paul’s weakness becoming strength, Jesus saying two small coins given by the widow was worth far more everything else given… on and on God uses the smallest, most humble, seemingly insignificant things and turns them into something big, strong and beautiful! Peace to you and your husband as you continue your ministry!!


  2. Beautiful word picture, Jeff. Kindness always prevails and if just one person is helped it makes the world that much more beautiful. We set the example by doing and then possibly someone else follows and then someone else. Kindness, a smile, a few kind words exchanged. Just letting someone know their world is valid through kindness, even though they might be sitting on the concrete with no teeth and torn clothing is something that is a valuable thing. Thank you for your words. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Jeff, That was beautiful! I just finished reading another blogger’s post on a similar subject of helping one person or ministering to one person and how that can multiply. All we have to do is be obedient to the Lord in doing or saying or writing whatever he leads us to do or say or write, and then he takes it from there. We may never know in our lifetime how God has used just one post that he had us write, or how that may have been just the words one person needed to hear that day, which may have transformed his or her life, and he or she may then was able to touch other lives with the love, grace and gospel of Jesus Christ. We never know. We just need to be sensitive to hear the Lord’s voice telling us what to do and then we just need to do it, and then leave the results to him.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So true, Sue! The little things can multiply, and truly, not until eternity will we be able to see what good we’ve done by the little things! The flip side is true too….I really don’t want to know any negative thing or impact I’ve had on others. As always, so appreciate your insight!

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